Monday, February 18, 2013

One / 52

Have you ever made something and then when you look at it, you realize it looks like something, but not what you intended?  I did just that this weekend.  If you are thinking, huh? I'll explain.

Nick wanted to make some toys/tugs for the boys this weekend, so we took a trip to the fabric store.  I really need a case for my laptop, so I thought I would try and make a laptop case.  Not that difficult right?  We ended up using the same fabric for our projects, just because we liked the duck canvas.  Saturday night turned into a crazy craft night that included Chemistry goggles, lots of sketches, and our dining room table covered in fabric scraps.  Side bar, I have a really good track record for breaking needles on my sewing machine and we were using pretty thick fabric, so as a precautionary Nick made me wear them.  We finished the dog tugs, but didn't get around to my laptop case until this morning.  At the end of the day it is functional, but it could be improved, but my sewing skills are pretty basic.

We are pretty early in the game here.  After this shot, I'm pretty sure I ripped all the seams out and made a few adjustments.  Did I mention that all but one seam was ripped out and re sewn?  Sounds like fun right?

It fits!  Well, after an adjustment.  Before I ripped one of the seams it didn't fit.  I had to put it away for a few hours because I was just a little frustrated that I made this thing and it didn't fit my laptop!

So, do you see it yet?  What it looks like?  A mailer you buy at the post office?  Yep!  This was not my intention, but now it's all I see when I look at it.  One of my best friends was telling me that she saw someone using a bubble mailer as an iPad case and now I feel like that, but that I went through the effort of sewing one myself.  Hah!

It actually looks even more like a mailer in these photos, it's slightly brighter and more marigold in person.  

I was thisclose to not posting this because it didn't really turn out how I wanted, but then I remembered that's the point of this.  To make things and move on.  Record the good and the bad.

So, now I have a laptop case and it fits my laptop.

Okay, one down.  It's a start!
